In Honor of National Limerick Day

We like to think our little place here at SCRaP more than just a creative reuse place.  It’s really all about the fun you can have.  So, with out further ado, here is our contribution to National Limerick Day:


A nifty spot in town called Magic City Makerspace,
Where you come in to create at your own pace;
Start with string and beads and materials galore,
Work up to lamps and books and furniture and more,
Next thing you know you will be a maker with true grace…..


History of the limerick:

A limerick is a silly poem with five lines, and are often funny or nonsensical. They were made famous by Edward Lear, author of the “Book of Nonsense” in the 1800’s. Though limericks were thought of being of Irish origin, Mr Lear was actually English.

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