International Joke Day

A joke is understood as something spoken, written, or done, including aspects like irony, sarcasm, word plays, with humorous intention. Since laughter is the best medicine, do something for your creativity today and tell your…


National Meteor Day

Legend has it that if you wished upon a shooting star the wish would come true. It is believed to have originated in Greece, when a Greek astronomer Ptolemy, around AD 127-151, wrote that the…


National Camera Day/National Waffle Iron Day

National Camera Day Today commemorates photographs, the camera, and their invention. Before the invention of the camera, the only resource to document memories, events, and people/places was a painting. The power of a camera provides…


National Paul Bunyan Day

Each year on June 28, National Paul Bunyan day is celebrated across the country.  It is suggested that on this day, take some time and read one of the Paul Bunyan original tales.   Described…


National Chocolate Pudding Day

Chocolate pudding has been loved by children and adults for many years.  Historically, chocolate pudding is a variation of chocolate custard, using starch as a thickener instead of eggs.  The 1903 edition of Mary Harris…


National Catfish Day

Yep – it seems official….   Proclamation 5672 — National Catfish Day, 1987 June 25, 1987 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation More and more Americans are discovering a uniquely…


National Pink Day

Pink Trivia – First used as a color name in the late 17th century, got its name from a flower of same name. “to pink” (verb) means “to decorate with a perforated or punched pattern.”…


National Chocolate Éclair Day National Onion Rings Day

Sweet dough, chocolate, cream and icing; this light but oh-so tasty pastry snack is the star. Originating from France in the nineteenth century, eclairs are known a favorite cake all over the world. Secret has…


Cuckoo Warning Day

Rumor has it if you hear the call of a cuckoo bird on June 21, there’s a wet summer ahead. We’re not sure where this superstition came from or whether or not it’s true, but…


Traditions- Top Ten Things to do with Dad (part 3)

Growing up we live events we will never forget.  For the most part, we remember certain things, even down to the detail of the conversation, smells, what was served for a meal and what was…