Before Your Clock Strikes Midnight…

With every door that closes another one opens… that pretty much sums up what SCRaP in Billings has been doing.   In August, we found out our lease would not be renewed. With the flooding…


Art Walk Oct.7, 2016

What difference a year makes…. Art Walk 2015 was our first, just after opening our doors. Our building was only half full back then and we didn’t know if there was enough interest from the…


SCRaP at the Montana Fair

Almost half way thru the Montana Fair, its time to update you with some pictures and thoughts of the fun we are having down here.  Yes, the fair is about the rides, the music and…


National Blueberry Muffin Day

We took a little break to get SCRaP ready for a tour this week, but we are back with more crazy holidays and other good things….. Today is National Blueberry Muffin day And National Cheer…


World Chocolate Day

Anyone looking for an excuse to eat chocolate doesn’t need a special day to celebrate it, but just in case, July 7 gives the whole world an excuse to indulge.  Our research leads us to…


National Fried Chicken Day

Scottish immigrants brought their tradition of deep-frying chicken in fat to the southern United States.  After its introduction to the American South, fried chicken soon became a staple. Over time, seasonings and spices were added…


National Graham Cracker Day and Apple Turnover Day

Yum – graham crackers right after the 4th bbq where there was plenty of  ‘smores…  Then all the baked apples and apple pie for dessert…   Well, ok – so what is another delicious dessert………


Independence Day

Today is a day of remembrance. For those who believed in us, fought for us, and died for us. Today  is a day we are supposed to celebrate how we earned our freedom.   Today…


National Eat Your Beans Day

Beans Beans the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot The more you toot, the better you feel so lets have beans for every meal!   This is a playground saying and…


National I Forgot Day

Today is the day you can make amends for all the people you forgot to send a card to… or that you forgot to meet, or forgot to pickup, or forgot period.  Send them a…