National Fried Chicken Day

Scottish immigrants brought their tradition of deep-frying chicken in fat to the southern United States.  After its introduction to the American South, fried chicken soon became a staple. Over time, seasonings and spices were added…


National Graham Cracker Day and Apple Turnover Day

Yum – graham crackers right after the 4th bbq where there was plenty of  ‘smores…  Then all the baked apples and apple pie for dessert…   Well, ok – so what is another delicious dessert………


Independence Day

Today is a day of remembrance. For those who believed in us, fought for us, and died for us. Today  is a day we are supposed to celebrate how we earned our freedom.   Today…


National Eat Your Beans Day

Beans Beans the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot The more you toot, the better you feel so lets have beans for every meal!   This is a playground saying and…


National I Forgot Day

Today is the day you can make amends for all the people you forgot to send a card to… or that you forgot to meet, or forgot to pickup, or forgot period.  Send them a…


International Joke Day

A joke is understood as something spoken, written, or done, including aspects like irony, sarcasm, word plays, with humorous intention. Since laughter is the best medicine, do something for your creativity today and tell your…


National Meteor Day

Legend has it that if you wished upon a shooting star the wish would come true. It is believed to have originated in Greece, when a Greek astronomer Ptolemy, around AD 127-151, wrote that the…


National Camera Day/National Waffle Iron Day

National Camera Day Today commemorates photographs, the camera, and their invention. Before the invention of the camera, the only resource to document memories, events, and people/places was a painting. The power of a camera provides…


National Paul Bunyan Day

Each year on June 28, National Paul Bunyan day is celebrated across the country.  It is suggested that on this day, take some time and read one of the Paul Bunyan original tales.   Described…


National Chocolate Pudding Day

Chocolate pudding has been loved by children and adults for many years.  Historically, chocolate pudding is a variation of chocolate custard, using starch as a thickener instead of eggs.  The 1903 edition of Mary Harris…